What is Careers?

”It’s about young people finding purpose, discovering what matters to them, their place in the world, the point of studying and getting up in the morning. Sometimes people think careers is just information about options and planning for the future. It’s so much more. It can give hope, meaning, purpose, self esteem and the ability to navigate the challenges of life.”                – Liane Hambly

Our Aim
Crisp Vocational Provision is committed to providing all students with a programme of careers activities .  Our programme has been developed in line with the eight Gatsby benchmarks for ensuring best practice and to meet the requirements of the Department for Education’s statutory guidance 2023
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
CEIAG is an integral part of the curriculum and contributes to the ongoing drive to raise
aspirations, develop key employability skills and illustrate the relevance of subject studies to later
life. We aim to actively promote equality of opportunity, to challenge stereotypes and to support
the progress of students, including helping them to overcome any barriers to progress that they may encounter.
Overview of Careers Programme:
Our Careers lead at Crisp Vocational Provision co-ordinates the internal careers programme, which is supported by a well-resourced careers library and is facilitated by our career’s guidance and destinations platform, Morrisby.
Through this, staff, students and parents have free access to a wide range of online career profile resources, competency and skills analysis tools; prospectuses and up to date Labour Market Information (LMI).
Students are also provided regular opportunities to keep an accurate record of their CEIAG progress including interactions with employers, employees and educational providers.
Our internal programme of careers education at Crisp Vocational Provision is partly delivered through dedicated units of work in the PSHE/RSE curriculum, imbedded into all subject lessons and integrated into Personal Development tutor sessions, twice weekly, or once for part time pupils.
Pupils will also have dedicated small group sessions focusing on developing their careers goals and post-16 destinations
Through this we seek to help all students prepare themselves for key transition points. The careers programme also entitles students to a range of wider experiences enabling them to regularly interact with employers, training / apprenticeship providers.
Information, advice and guidance are provided from a range of impartial sources to ensure that students receive an inspirational and aspirational view of all the opportunities available to them.
 This is achieved by making use of:
·         External mentoring and coaching
·         Speakers from the world of work and education
·         Workplace visits and work experience placements
·         Work taster events and workshops run by local employers
·         Careers fairs and career networking events
·         Access to creative online resources and labour market information
·         Individualised support with basic career management skills eg CV building and writing, job searches and job interviews
The CEIAG programme and curriculum is sequenced to ensure students make progress in their understanding of employability factors across all the key stages.
 Learning objectives for careers education from years 8-11 at Crisp Vocational provision are linked to the following areas:
·         Self-awareness, self-determination and self-improvement as a learner and future employee.
·         Exploring careers and career development.
·         Investigating work and working life.
·         Understanding business and industry.
·         Valuing equality, diversity and inclusion.
·         Showing initiative and developing enterprise skills.
·         Preparing for employability.
·         Developing personal financial awareness and capability.
·         Learning about employment law, including health and safety.

Careers Policy

Please refer to the Curriculum Policy for the section on Careers.

Further information about Morrisby can be found here:


Post 16 destinations

2022 – 2023, 96% in Education, Training or Employment. 4% Not in Education Training or Employment.

2021 – 2022, 70% in Education, Training or Employment. 30% Not in Education, Training or Employment.

Labour Market Information

We are keen to ensure that students have access to up-to-date information about the labour market.

LMI For All – LMI For All – Here you can find out where to access information on the labour market and link through to some websites using LMI for All data.

KS3 Careers Map

KS4 Career Map


Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.


Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.
It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.
Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.