Overview of Careers Programme:
Our Careers lead at Crisp Vocational Provision co-ordinates the internal careers programme, which is supported by a well-resourced careers library and is facilitated by our career’s guidance and destinations platform, Morrisby.
Through this, staff, students and parents have free access to a wide range of online career profile resources, competency and skills analysis tools; prospectuses and up to date Labour Market Information (LMI).
Students are also provided regular opportunities to keep an accurate record of their CEIAG progress including interactions with employers, employees and educational providers.
Our internal programme of careers education at Crisp Vocational Provision is partly delivered through dedicated units of work in the PSHE/RSE curriculum, imbedded into all subject lessons and integrated into Personal Development tutor sessions, twice weekly, or once for part time pupils.
Pupils will also have dedicated small group sessions focusing on developing their careers goals and post-16 destinations
Through this we seek to help all students prepare themselves for key transition points. The careers programme also entitles students to a range of wider experiences enabling them to regularly interact with employers, training / apprenticeship providers.